OK, so I figured out that iFrames do not automatically adjust to their content, they stay a set size! That is why I was having problems getting the iFrame to adjust the size of the table and then the CSS Div...
So, I found some javascript that fixes that problem!
This guy has the solution on his blog:
http://neverbow.blogspot.com/2006/12/let-iframe-auto-adjust-its-height.htmlHere's the gist of it, look on his blog for the full story:Use javascript function below, to let iframe adjust its height automatically.
function SetCwinHeight(){
var cwin=document.getElementById("cwin");
if (document.getElementById){
if (cwin && !window.opera) {
if (cwin.contentDocument && cwin.contentDocument.body.offsetHeight)
cwin.height = cwin.contentDocument.body.offsetHeight;
else if(cwin.Document && cwin.Document.body.scrollHeight)
cwin.height = cwin.Document.body.scrollHeight;
Then, add html code of iframe. Don't foreget the attribute "onload". Of course, the id of iframe should match "cwin" in the function SetCwinHeight:
At the end, recommend a function used to get the object of a html element.
function GetObj(objName){
return eval('document.getElementById("' + objName + '")');
}else if(document.layers){
return eval("document.layers['" + objName +"']");
return eval('document.all.' + objName);
OK, it works great! Except for one thing...
Now when I open it, the page height auto-adjusts, but now my iframe content moves up in the iframe and some of it is cut off, but only in Firefox and Camino browsers...
Man, what a headache!!!
Hopefully I'll figure out how to fix it... I'll update later.